NCFE Entry Level 3 Functional Skills Qualification in English

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Entry Level 3


Minimum entry age






Credit Value


About this qualification:

The purpose of Functional Skills English Entry Level qualifications are to demonstrate the ability at an appropriate level to read, write, speak, listen and communicate in English, and to apply this knowledge and these skills in familiar situations. Study NCFE Entry Level 3 Functional Skills Qualification in English at London College of Professional Studies. NCFE Diploma courses at LCPS College.

Who is it suitable for?

Functional Skills qualifications in English at Entry Level are ideal for learners wishing to develop practical, transferable skills in English in order to work confidently, effectively and independently in life. It is suitable for a wide range of individuals and is fundamental to the successful completion of various wider qualifications and frameworks, such as Foundation Learning.

Entry requirements

There are no pre-entry requirements for this qualification and no minimum age requirement has been set for registration. NCFE Entry Level 3 Functional Skills Qualification in English can be studied online at LCPS College.

Qualification structure:

These qualifications are assessed via 3 controlled assessments which cover:

• Reading
• Writing
• Speaking, Listening and Communicating

Mandatory units

  1. Speaking, Listening and Communicating
  2. Reading
  3. Writing

Level 3
Course Diploma Course
Language English
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