LCPS Generic Assessment Criteria

LCPS Generic Assessment Criteria (Levels-3-7)


The generic assessment criteria framework detailed below describes the type of learning that LCPS students are expected to demonstrate at each of the levels of higher education (HE) learning, including preparation for Higher Education. The criteria have been developed for each level of study in accordance with the expectations of the QAA Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies (2014) and the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF). This is in accord with the QAA Quality code indicator (revised, May 2018) that the provider uses ‘assessment and classification processes that are reliable, fair and transparent’. The criteria are generic and applicable to a broad range of academic disciplines. Nevertheless, module tutors are encouraged to supplement the generic criteria with criteria specific to the particular assessment and subject.

The aims of the generic framework are to provide: 

  1. a description of what a student needs to do to reach a particular classification category (pre-submission);
  2. a reference point for articulating the standard of a student’s work at a particular level of study (post-submission), thereby helping them to identify how they could improve their performance in the future;
  • an indication of the skills progression and development that students are expected to achieve throughout their programme of study; iv. a reliable, consistent, fair and transparent basis on which to base marking decisions.

The framework uses five skill categories of learning:

  1. engagement with literature skills;
  2. knowledge and understanding skills;
  3. cognitive and intellectual skills;
  4. practical skills; and
  5. transferable skills for life and professional practice.

Each of the skills categories is mapped to the standard classification bands (e.g. 1st, 2.1, 2.2, or Pass, Merit, Distinction, etc.) to describe expected skills performance in each of the five categories for a particular classification band.

Using the Generic Criteria 

Students’ work should be assessed against published assessment criteria. The criteria describe key features and general characteristics of assessed work associated with a classification category for a specific level of study. When marking a student’s work, tutors might find it useful to engage directly with the criteria and circle or highlight the level of achievement, as appropriate to the level, displayed within the work.  So when considering referencing skills (within the Engagement with Literature category), tutors might circle ‘Referencing may show minor inaccuracies or inconsistencies’.  When all relevant criteria are circled, this helps to identify the specific classification band.

However, generic criteria can provide only broad-based guidance for assessment. Often, students do not achieve a uniformly distinct skills performance that meets all of the expectations of a particular classification band and they may demonstrate stronger performance in relation to some assessment criteria than others. A useful principle when applying the criteria is to look for the ‘best fit’ classification. For example, a student assignment may display one or two of the characteristics in the 70-84% band and many characteristics within the 60-69% band, but may not quite achieve the standard of the 6069% band in one or two areas. The best fit in that case is likely to be within the 60-69% classification. 

However, it is important to recognise that tutors may ‘weight’ each of the skills categories differently, depending on the type of assessment.  A highly practical assessment that requires students to demonstrate application of skills in practice is likely to have a relatively high proportion of marks allocated to the ‘Practical Skills’ category.  A research-based essay that evaluates concepts is likely to have a relatively high proportion of marks allocated to the ‘Cognitive and Intellectual Skills’ category and possibly few, if any, marks for the ‘Practical Skills’ category. It is not a requirement that all categories of skill are assessed in each individual assessment.

Consider also that a single student assessment is highly unlikely to be complex enough to meet all of the stated criteria for a given level of attainment; each assessment does not need to evidence every criterion within a classification band in order for a student to gain marks in that band: the ‘best fit’ principle applies. Having achieved the full award at a given level, however, when all assessments are combined, students should have been able to demonstrate learning at the appropriate level in all of the skill categories.

Tutors should use the whole of the marking range, interpreting the criteria in the context of their discipline. The final mark for the work should always consider the published assessment criteria and will be matter of academic judgement.  Where PSRB requirements or programme-specific requirements differ to the norms, additional marking criteria should be provided to students.

Level 3 

Provision at Level 3 is designed to prepare students for higher education. At the end of Level 3, students will be expected to demonstrate the acquisition of foundation level skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to embark on a higher education programme of study at Level 4. This includes the ability to identify and use relevant understanding, methods and skills to complete tasks and address problems that, while well defined, have a measure of complexity. It includes taking responsibility for initiating and completing tasks and procedures as well as exercising autonomy and judgement within limited parameters. It also reflects awareness of different perspectives or approaches within an area of study or work

Level 3


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)










with literature (including referencing, academic conventions and academic honesty) 

Limited evidence of reading and/or there is reliance on inappropriate

sources. Limited engagement with information gained through class contact. Very poor use of referencing.

Poor engagement

with literature and little or no evidence of wider reading. Heavily reliant on information gained through class contact. Inconsistent and weak use of referencing.

Evidence of reading, but largely confined to information gained through class contact.

Referencing may show inaccuracies and/or inconsistencies.

Engagement with an appropriate range of reading beyond information gained through class contact.

Referencing may show minor inaccuracies or inconsistencies

Engagement with a wide range of relevant reading. Sound application of referencing, with no inaccuracies or inconsistencies.


engagement with a wide range of relevant reading. Consistently accurate application of referencing.

Exceptional critical

engagement with a very wide range of relevant reading. Consistently accurate application of referencing.

Knowledge and understanding (Introductory factual, procedural and theoretical knowledge and understanding of the basic

Weak and flawed introductory knowledge and understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the

Work shows limited but fragmentary understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject(s). 

Factual approach showing understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject(s),

Good work showing understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject(s), resulting in

Work of solid quality showing competent and consistent understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the

High quality work showing detailed understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject(s),

Exceptionally high quality work showing very detailed understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the

Level 3


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)









underlying concepts and principles of the subject; some appreciation of the breadth of the field of study and the relevant


subject(s), for example with significant inaccuracies, the inclusion of a substantial amount of irrelevant material and/or absence of appropriate information / material.

There are inaccuracies, the inclusion of irrelevant material and/or absence of appropriate information / material.

resulting in students being largely prepared for study at Level 4. Narrow or misguided selection of some material, with elements missing or inaccurate.

students being prepared for study at Level 4, but lacking depth and breadth.

subject(s), resulting in students being well prepared for study at Level 4.

resulting in students being highly prepared for study at Level 4.

subject(s), resulting in students being most highly prepared for study at Level 4.

Cognitive and

intellectual skills 

(Introductory evaluation; logic, argument and judgement within limited parameters; organisation of ideas and

evidence; manage information and collect data from a range of straightforward

Very weak interpretation and evaluation of information and ideas, resulting in descriptive work that is often illogical, invalid or irrelevant. No attempt to manage/link information and ideas from straightforward sources. Fails to develop an

Weak and at times flawed interpretation and evaluation of information and ideas. Limited attempt to manage/link information and ideas from very few straightforward sources resulting in descriptive work that develops a weak argument

A limited but adequate interpretation and evaluation of information and ideas. Some attempt to manage/link information and ideas from a few straightforward sources.  Some attempt to develop an argument and judgement within limited


interpretation and evaluation of information and ideas.

Identifies links in information and ideas from a few straightforward sources to develop a

mostly logical argument and judgement within limited parameters, though

Very good interpretation and evaluation of information and ideas.  Identifies links in information and ideas from a variety of straightforward sources to develop a mostly coherent

and logical argument and judgement within limited

Excellent interpretation and evaluation of information and ideas. Can identify, link and collate well information and ideas from a variety of straightforward sources.  Capable of developing a very coherent, logical argument and judgement

Has developed a highly critical and evaluative approach to information and ideas for this level. Able to collate and categorise ideas and information with insight. Capable of developing a most coherent argument and judgement within limited

Level 3


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)









sources; awareness of different perspectives or approaches within an area of study.)

argument or judgement within limited parameters. Little awareness of the different perspectives or approaches within the subject.

and/or judgement within limited parameters. Shows lack of awareness of the different perspectives or approaches within the subject

parameters but work is largely descriptive with an uncritical acceptance of information/dat a. Shows emerging awareness of the different perspectives or approaches within the subject.  Illogical arguments and judgements in places and with some inaccuracies. 

underdeveloped in places. Shows awareness of the different perspectives or approaches within the subject. Minor


parameters. Work shows sound awareness of the different perspectives or approaches within the subject. 

within limited parameters. Work shows strong awareness of the different perspectives or approaches within the subject.

parameters that is exceptional for this level of development. Work shows very strong awareness of the different perspectives or approaches within the subject.  

Practical skills (Identify, select and use appropriate


methods and procedures to a well-defined problem and show emerging recognition of

No evidence of ability to relate theory to

practice. Tools, methods or techniques misapplied. Very weak skills in solving welldefined problems. 

Little evidence of ability to relate theory to

practice. Tools, methods or techniques mainly misapplied.  Weak skills in solving well-

Demonstrates a limited understanding of the application of knowledge in practice.

Responses may not be fully appropriate and/or

Reasonable attempt to apply

theory in practical contexts. Responses are mostly appropriate and/or meaningful.

Is able to apply knowledge of theory to practical contexts and generate a range of responses to given situations. Tools, methods or techniques used very well.

Can generate a range of appropriate responses to given problems, some of which may be quite innovative for the level; good links between theory and

Can generate a range of effective responses to given problems, some of which may demonstrate innovation and considerable insight that are

Level 3


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)









the complexity of associated issues; formulation of solutions to solve welldefined problems; use appropriate investigation to inform actions; review how

effectiveness of methods and actions).


defined problems.

meaningful. Uses tools, methods or techniques to a limited extent or with some misapplication. Can propose basic solutions to well-defined problems without emergent recognition of the complexity.

Tools, methods or techniques used appropriately. Can propose mostly appropriate basic solutions to well-defined problems with some emergent recognition of the complexity.

Can propose appropriate solutions to well-defined problems with emergent recognition of the complexity.

practice. Excellent application of tools, methods or techniques. Can propose excellent solutions to well-defined problems with emergent recognition of the complexity.

unusual at this level; exceptionally good links between theory and practice. Exceptional application of tools, methods or techniques. Can propose exceptional solutions to well-defined problems with emergent recognition of the complexity.

Transferable skills for life and professional practice

(Complete tasks and procedures:

individually and/or collaboratively; use appropriate media to communicate;

Work is poorly structured, disorganised, inaccurate, incoherent, incomplete and/or confusingly expressed. Markedly poor use of language and/or medium

Weak, disjointed structure. Material is incoherent or poorly expressed in places. Serious or extensive spelling and grammatical mistakes, very inappropriate

Mostly ordered presentation and structure though it may be weak and/or inconsistent in places and lacking in sequential development. Ideas / concepts are adequately

Mostly coherent, and organised work though structure may lack coherence in places and minor mistakes in the work may be evident. Ideas / concepts are clearly

Structure is coherent, organised and logical showing progression and flow. Ideas / concepts are very clearly expressed using media appropriately. Can work

Very wellorganised work which develops flow and progression in a well-structured manner. Ideas / concepts are fluently expressed, using media very appropriately.

Exceptionally well-organised work which develops flow and progression

in a wellstructured manner. High level of fluency of expression throughout, using media well

Level 3


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)









clarity and effectiveness in presentation and organisation.)

of communication. Failure to work effectively as part of a group. No/few qualities and transferable skills required for employment are demonstrated.

style and/or weak use of the medium. Flawed approach to group work, meeting only partial obligations to others.


limited qualities and transferable skills required for employment.

expressed but with spelling / grammatical mistake. Mostly suitable use of the communication medium, though with room for improvement.  Can work as part of a group, meeting most obligations to others but perhaps with limited involvement in group activities. Demonstrates a few qualities and transferable skills required for employment.

expressed using media appropriately. Can work

effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with clear contribution to group activities. Demonstrates good qualities and transferable skills required for employment.

effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with very good contribution to group activities. Demonstrates well the qualities and transferable skills required for employment.

Academic style indicates an appropriate level of

academic maturity. Can work effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with an excellent contribution to group activities. Demonstrates a broad range of qualities and transferable skills required for employment.

to enhance the work. Can work effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with an exceptional contribution to group activities. Demonstrates an excellent range of qualities and transferable skills required for employment.

Level 4

In accordance with the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, at the end of Level 4 students will be expected to have demonstrated knowledge of the basic underlying concepts and principles of a subject, and an ability to evaluate and interpret these within the context of that area of study. They should be able to present, evaluate and interpret qualitative and quantitative data in order to develop lines of argument and make sound judgements in

accordance with basic theories and concepts of their subject(s) of study. They will have learned how to evaluate different approaches to solving problems, and will be able to communicate the results of their study/work accurately and reliably, and with structured and coherent arguments. They will be able to undertake further training and develop new skills within a structured and managed environment and will have the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility.

Level 4


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)










with literature (including reading, referencing, academic conventions and academic honesty) 

Little or no evidence of reading and/or reliance on inappropriate sources. Views and findings mostly unsupported and nonauthoritative. Referencing conventions used incoherently or largely absent.

Poor engagement

with essential reading. No evidence of wider reading. Reliance on inappropriate sources, and/or indiscriminate use of sources. Heavily reliant on information gained through class contact. Inconsistent and weak use of referencing.


with a limited range of mostly relevant and credible sources but with some reliance on information gained through class contact.

Some omissions and minor errors.

Referencing conventions evident though not always applied accurately or consistently.

Engagement with an appropriate range of literature, including sources retrieved independently. Some overreliance on texts rather than other sources. Referencing may show minor inaccuracies or inconsistencies.

Engagement with a wide range of literature, including sources retrieved independently. Selection of relevant and credible sources.  Generally sound referencing, with no/very few inaccuracies or inconsistencies.

Engagement with an extensive range of relevant and credible literature. Consistently accurate application of referencing. 

Exceptional engagement with an extensive range of relevant and credible literature. Highlevel referencing


consistently applied.

Knowledge and understanding (Knowledge of the basic

Major gaps in knowledge and understanding of the basic

Gaps in knowledge of the basic underlying

Limited knowledge and understanding of the basic

Knowledge of the basic underlying concepts and

Competent knowledge of the basic underlying

Excellent knowledge and understanding of the basic

Exceptional, detailed knowledge and understanding

Level 4


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)









underlying concepts and principles of a subject.)

underlying concepts and principles of the subject matter. Inclusion of irrelevant material.  Substantial inaccuracies. 

concepts and principles, with flawed or superficial understanding. Some significant inaccuracies and/or irrelevant material.  

underlying concepts and principles within the subject area. Some elements may be missing. 

principles is accurate with a good understanding of the field of study but lacks depth and/or breadth.

concepts and principles.  Exhibits very good understanding. 

underlying concepts and principles of the subject. 

of the basic underlying concepts and principles

Cognitive and

intellectual skills 

(Evaluate underlying concepts and principles of a subject and interpret qualitative and quantitative data in order to develop lines of argument and make sound


Wholly or almost wholly descriptive work. Little or no evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles. Failure to develop arguments, leading to illogical or invalid judgements. Minimal or no use of evidence to back up views.

Largely descriptive work, with superficial evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles. Weak interpretation of data, flawed development of arguments and judgements. Information accepted uncritically, uses generalised statements made with scant evidence and

Limited attempt at evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles, tending towards description. Can interpret qualitative and quantitative data but with some errors. Some evidence to support emerging arguments and judgements but these may be underdeveloped

or with a little

Good evaluation

of the underlying concepts and principles. Can interpret qualitative and quantitative data, with minor errors.

An emerging ability to use evidence to support the argument. Mostly valid

arguments and

logical judgements. 

Sound evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles. Can interpret qualitative and quantitative data accurately. Ability to devise arguments using evidence to make mostly appropriate and valid judgements. 

Excellent evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles. Can interpret qualitative and quantitative data accurately and with some insight. Excellent

ability to devise arguments using evidence and make appropriate and valid judgements. 

Exceptional evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles based evidence. Outstanding interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data. Exceptional

ability to devise arguments using evidence and make wholly appropriate and valid judgements. 

Level 4


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)











opinions. Ideas sometimes

illogical and contradictory.

inconsistency / mis interpretation.


Practical skills (Different approaches to solving problems in particular


Limited or no use of taught, basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques. Little or no appreciation of the context of the application. Very weak evidence of different approaches to problem-solving in particular contexts. 

Rudimentary application of

taught, basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques but without consideration and competence. Flawed appreciation of the context of the application. Weak evidence of different approaches to problem-solving in particular contexts.

An adequate awareness and mostly appropriate application of basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques. Basic appreciation of the context of the application.  Can identify problems in particular contexts and propose basic alternative approaches or solutions though there may be errors. 

A good and appropriate application of basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques. Clear appreciation of the context of the application.  Good evidence of different approaches to problem-solving in particular contexts and proposes mostly appropriate solutions.

A very good application of a range of basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques. Very good consideration of the context of the application. Very good evidence of different approaches to problem-solving in particular contexts and proposes appropriate solutions.

An advanced application of a range of taught, basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques. The context of the application is well considered, and insightful. Excellent evidence of different approaches to problem-solving in particular contexts and proposes appropriate solutions. 

Exceptional levels of application and deployment

skills in particular practical contexts. Outstanding identification of problems in particular contexts and formulation of wholly appropriate, thoughtful solutions / different approaches.

Transferable skills for life and

Work is poorly structured,

Work is poorly presented in a

Mostly ordered presentation

Mostly coherent,

Work is accurate,

Work is coherent, very

Work is accurate,

Level 4


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)









professional practice


the results of their study/work accurately and reliably, and with structured and coherent arguments; the qualities needed for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility within a structured and managed environment.)

disorganised, inaccurate and/or confusingly expressed. Very weak use of language and/or very inappropriate style. Failure to work effectively individual or as part of a group. Little or no evidence of the skills for

employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility.

disjointed manner. It is loosely, and at times incoherently, structured, with information and ideas often poorly expressed. Weak use of language and/or inappropriate style. Flawed approach to individual or group work, meeting only partial obligations to others. Limited

evidence of the skills for

employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility.

and structure in which relevant ideas / concepts are reasonably expressed. Work may lack coherence and/or accuracy in places. Can work as part of a group, meeting most obligations to others but perhaps with limited involvement in group activities. Demonstrates the basic skills

for employment requiring the exercise of some personal

responsibility, with some areas of minor weakness.

organised and accurate work, in a suitable structure and is for the most part clearly expressed. Can work effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with clear contribution to group activities. Demonstrates

the skills for

employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility, with some areas of strength and some of minor weakness.

coherent, fluent, well-structured and organised.  Can work

effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with very good contribution to group activities. Demonstrates

very good skills for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility, with just occasional minor weakness.

fluent and is presented professionally. Can work

effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with an excellent contribution to group activities. Demonstrates excellent skills

for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility with an appetite for further development.

exceptionally coherent, very fluent and presented well. Can work

effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with an exceptional contribution to group activities. Demonstrates

exceptional skills for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility with an appetite for further development.

Level 5

In accordance with the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, at the end of Level 5 students will be expected to have developed sound knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established concepts and principles in their field of study, and of the way in which those principles have developed.  They will have learned to apply those concepts and principles more widely outside the context in which they were first studied, including, where appropriate, the application of those principles in an employment context. They will have knowledge of the main methods of enquiry in the subject area, and ability to evaluate critically different approaches to problem solving. They will possess an understanding of the limits of their knowledge, and how this influences their analyses and interpretations.  They will be able to use a range of established techniques to initiate and undertake critical analysis of information, and to propose solutions to problems arising from that analysis. They will be able to effectively communicate information, arguments and analysis in a variety of forms to specialist and non-specialist audiences, and deploy key techniques of the discipline effectively. They will be able to undertake further training, develop existing skills and acquire new competences that will enable them to assume significant responsibility within organisations.  They will have the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and decisionmaking.

Level 5


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)










with literature (including reading, referencing, academic conventions and academic honesty) 

Little or no evidence of reading and/or reliance on inappropriate sources. Views and findings mostly unsupported and nonauthoritative. Referencing conventions used incoherently or largely absent.

Poor engagement

with essential reading. No evidence of wider reading. Reliance on inappropriate sources, and/or indiscriminate use of sources. Heavily reliant on information gained through class contact. Inconsistent and


with a limited range of mostly relevant and credible sources. Some omissions and minor errors.

Referencing conventions evident though not always applied accurately or consistently.

Engagement with an appropriate range of literature, including sources retrieved independently. Some overreliance on texts.

Referencing may show minor inaccuracies or inconsistencies.

Engagement with a wide range of literature, including sources retrieved independently. Selection of relevant and credible sources.  Very good use of referencing, with no/very few inaccuracies

Engagement with an extensive range of relevant and credible literature. Consistently accurate application of referencing. 

Exceptional engagement with an extensive range of relevant and credible literature. Highlevel referencing


consistently applied.

Level 5


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)










weak use of referencing.


or inconsistencies.


Knowledge and understanding (Sound knowledge and


understanding of the wellestablished concepts and principles in their field of study; knowledge of the main methods of enquiry in the discipline.) 

Major gaps in knowledge with unsatisfactory, uncritical understanding of the subject matter. Much irrelevant material.  Substantial inaccuracies. Significantly flawed understanding of the main methods of enquiry in the discipline.

Fragmentary knowledge, with only superficial critical understanding. Some significant inaccuracies and/or irrelevant material.  Incomplete or partially flawed understanding of the main methods of enquiry in the discipline.

Limited but adequate knowledge and


understanding of the wellestablished concepts and principles within the subject area, with a few gaps in the selection of material. A narrow critical understanding of the main methods of enquiry. 

Knowledge is reasonably detailed and

accurate. A good


understanding of the wellestablished concepts and principles and the main methods of enquiry, with minor gaps in the selection of material.

Knowledge is reasonably extensive.  Exhibits very



understanding of the wellestablished concepts and principles of the subject and the main methods of enquiry.  Breadth and depth of knowledge.

Excellent, detailed knowledge and

highly critical understanding of the wellestablished concepts and principles of the subject and the main methods of enquiry. 

Exceptionally detailed knowledge and



understanding of the wellestablished concepts and principles of the subject and the main methods of enquiry. May go beyond established theories.

Cognitive and

intellectual skills  (Critical evaluation and analysis of concepts and principles; argument and judgement; the

Wholly or almost wholly descriptive work. Little or

no critical evaluation and analysis of concepts and principles.

Largely descriptive work, with superficial use of critical

evaluation and analysis of concepts and principles. Weak development of

Limited attempt

at critical

evaluation and analysis of concepts and

principles, tending towards description.

Some evidence to support

Some critical evaluation and analysis of concepts and

principles, though descriptive in parts. 

An emerging awareness the

Sound critical evaluation and analysis of concepts. Is selective in the range of evidence used and synthesises rather than describes. Ability

Excellent critical evaluation and analysis of concepts and principles leading to

logical, evidence-based, reasoned arguments and



evaluation and analysis of concepts and principles.  Uses evidence exceptionally well to connect ideas, and

Level 5


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)









limits of their knowledge, and how this influences their analyses and interpretations.) 

Failure to develop arguments, leading to illogical or invalid judgements. Unsubstantiated generalisations or opinion, made without use of any credible evidence.

arguments and judgements. Information accepted uncritically, uses generalised statements made with scant evidence and unsubstantiated

opinions. Ideas sometimes

illogical and contradictory.

arguments and judgements but these may be underdeveloped

, with a little inconsistency / misinterpretation or failure to fully recognise limits of knowledge.

limits of their

knowledge and

ability to use evidence to support the argument though with some tendency to assert/state opinion rather than argue on the basis of reason and evidence. Mostly valid

arguments and

logical judgements. 

to devise arguments that show awareness of different stances, and use evidence convincingly, to support appropriate and valid judgements. 


Explicit recognition of other stances and a strong awareness of the limits of their knowledge. A capacity for independent thought and

ability to ‘see beyond the question’, suggesting some grasp of the broader field and wider concepts.

support highly logical and persuasive, arguments and judgements. Evidence of independent thought and

ability to ‘see beyond the question’, suggesting a clear grasp of the broader field and wider concepts. Perceptive recognition of the limits of their knowledge, and how this influences their analyses and interpretations.

Practical skills

(Apply underlying concepts and principles more widely outside

Limited or no use of established methods, materials, tools

Rudimentary application of established methods, materials, tools and/or

An adequate awareness and mostly appropriate application of established

A good and appropriate application of established methods, materials, tools

A very good application of a range of established methods, materials, tools

An advanced application of a range of established methods, materials, tools

Exceptional levels of application and


skills using established

Level 5


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)









the context in which they were first studied; use a range of established techniques; propose solutions to problems arising from analysis.)

and/or techniques. Little or no appreciation of the context of the application. Limited understanding of the application of theory to practice or making appropriate links between the two. Very weak problem-solving skills outside the context in which they were first studied. 

techniques but without consideration and competence. Flawed appreciation of the context of the application. Weak understanding of the application of theory to practice, with only occasional evidence of making appropriate links between the two. Weak problem-solving skills outside the context in which they were first studied. 

methods, materials, tools and/or techniques. Basic appreciation of the context of the application. Theoretical knowledge and understanding applied in practice, but not always making logical links

between the two.

Can identify problems and propose basic solutions outside the context in which they were first studied. 

and/or techniques. Clear appreciation of the context of the application. Mainly consistent, accurate and logical application of theory to practice, making appropriate links between the two.

Can identify problems and propose mostly appropriate solutions outside the context in which they were first studied.

and/or techniques. Very good consideration of the context of the application, with perceptive insights. Consistent, accurate and logical application of theory to practice, making appropriate links between the two. Can

identify problems and propose appropriate solutions outside the context in which they were first studied. Evidence of some creativity. 

and/or techniques. The context of the application is well considered, and insightful. Consistent, accurate and logical application of theory to practice, making well-developed links between the two. Can identify problems and propose excellent, creative solutions outside the context in which they were first studied. 

methods, materials, tools and/or techniques.  Consistent, accurate and logical application of theory to practice, making highly developed links between the two. Can identify routine and non-routine problems and propose quite sophisticated, creative solutions outside the context in which they were first studied. 

Transferable skills for life and

Communication medium is

Communication medium is


communicate in

Can communicate

Can communicate

Can communicate

Can communicate

Level 5


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)









professional practice (Effectively communicate in a variety of forms

to specialist and non-specialist audiences;  the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and decisionmaking.)

inappropriate or misapplied. Work is poorly structured, disorganised and/or confusingly expressed. Very weak use of language and/or very inappropriate style. Failure to work effectively as part of a group. Little or no evidence of the skills for

employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and decisionmaking.

poorly designed and/or not suitable for the audience.  Work is poorly presented in a disjointed manner. It is loosely, and at times incoherently, structured, with information and ideas often poorly expressed. Weak use of language and/or inappropriate style. Flawed approach to group work, meeting only partial obligations to others. Limited evidence of the skills for

employment requiring the

a suitable medium for the audience but

with some room

for improvement.  Mostly ordered presentation and structure in which relevant ideas / concepts are reasonably expressed. Work may lack coherence in places. Can work as part of a group, meeting most obligations to others but perhaps with limited involvement in group activities. Demonstrates the basic skills

for employment requiring the exercise of personal

effectively in a suitable medium for the audience, but may have minor errors. Mostly coherent, organised work, in a suitable structure and is for the most part clearly expressed. Can work effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with clear contribution to group activities.  Demonstrates

the skills for

employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and decisionmaking, with

well, confidently and consistently in a suitable medium for the audience. Work is coherent, fluent, well-structured and organised. Can work very well autonomously and/or as part of a team, with very good contribution to group activities. 


very good skills for employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and decisionmaking, with just occasional minor weakness.

professionally confidently and consistently in a suitable medium

for the audience. Work is coherent, very fluent and is presented proficiently. Can work autonomously with initiative. Where relevant can work professionally within a team,


leadership skills as appropriate, and meeting obligations.

Demonstrates excellent skills

for employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility

with an exceptionally high level of professionalism, highly suitable for the audience.  Work is exceptionally coherent, very fluent and is presented professionally. Can work exceptionally well within a team, showing leadership skills.


exceptional skills for employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and decisionmaking and an appetite for further development.

Level 5


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)










exercise of personal responsibility and decisionmaking.

responsibility and decisionmaking, with some areas of minor weakness.

some areas of strength and some of minor weakness.


and decisionmaking and an appetite for further development.


Level 6

In accordance with the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, at the end of Level 6 students should have coherent and detailed knowledge and a systematic understanding of their subject area, at least some of which is informed by the latest research and/or advanced scholarship within the discipline. They will be able to accurately deploy established techniques of analysis and enquiry within a discipline, using their conceptual understanding to devise and sustain arguments and/or to solve problems. They should be aware of the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge. They should be able to critically evaluate evidence, arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts and data (that may be incomplete), to make judgements, and to frame appropriate questions to achieve a solution – or identify a range of solutions. They will apply the methods and techniques that they have learned to review, consolidate, extend and apply their knowledge and understanding, and to initiate and carry out projects. They will have the ability to manage their own learning, and to make use of scholarly reviews and primary sources (for example, refereed research articles and/or original materials appropriate to the discipline). They will demonstrate the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring: the exercise of initiative and personal responsibility; decisionmaking in complex and unpredictable contexts; the learning ability needed to undertake appropriate further training of a professional or equivalent nature.

Level 6


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)










with literature (including reading, referencing,

Little or no evidence of reading and/or reliance on inappropriate sources.

Poor engagement

with essential reading. No evidence of wider reading.


with a limited range of mostly relevant and credible sources. Some omissions

Engagement with an appropriate range of researchinformed

Engagement with a wide range of researchinformed


Engagement with an extensive range of relevant and credible literature,

Exceptional engagement with an extensive range of relevant and credible

Level 6


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)









academic conventions and academic honesty) 

Views and findings mostly unsupported and nonauthoritative. Referencing conventions used incoherently or largely absent.

Reliance on inappropriate sources, and/or indiscriminate use of sources. Heavily reliant on information gained through class contact. Inconsistent and weak use of referencing.

and minor errors.

Referencing conventions evident though not always applied accurately or consistently.

literature, including sources retrieved independently. Some overreliance on texts.

Referencing may show minor inaccuracies or inconsistencies.

including sources retrieved independently. Selection of relevant and credible sources.  Very good use of referencing, with no/very few inaccuracies or inconsistencies.

informed by the latest research. Consistently accurate application of referencing. 

literature, informed by the latest research. High-level referencing skills consistently and professionally applied.

Knowledge and understanding (Coherent and detailed knowledge and systematic understanding of the subject area, at least some of which is informed by the latest research and/or advanced scholarship within the discipline.)

Major gaps in knowledge and systematic understanding of the subject matter. Substantial inaccuracies. No awareness of knowledge of the latest research and/or advanced scholarship within the discipline.

Gaps in knowledge, with only superficial systematic understanding. Some significant inaccuracies and/or irrelevant material.  No awareness of knowledge of the latest research and/or advanced scholarship

Limited knowledge and systematic understanding of the relevant concepts and principles within the subject area which to some

limited extent, is informed by current research and scholarship. 

Knowledge is reasonably detailed, accurate with a good systematic understanding of the field of study and to some extent, current research and scholarship.

Knowledge is reasonably extensive coherent and detailed.  Exhibits very good understanding of the breadth and depth of established views, and the work is, at least

in part, wellinformed by current research and scholarship. 

Excellent coherent and detailed knowledge and systematic understanding of the principles and theories of current research and scholarship. Clear awareness of challenges to established views and the limitations of the knowledge base.

Exceptionally coherent and detailed knowledge and systematic understanding of the principles and theories of the subject, well-informed by current research and

scholarship. A critical,

sophisticated and nuanced awareness of

Level 6


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)










within the discipline.


the ambiguities and limitations of knowledge.

Cognitive and

intellectual skills 

(Conceptual and critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of research, assumptions, abstract concepts and data (that may be incomplete); logic, argument and judgement.) 

Wholly or almost wholly descriptive work. Little or no analysis, synthesis or evaluation. Failure to develop arguments, leading to illogical or invalid judgements. Unsubstantiated generalisations, made without use of any credible evidence.

Largely descriptive work, with superficial use of

critical evaluation.

Weak development of arguments and judgements. Information accepted uncritically, uses generalised statements made with scant evidence and unsubstantiated

opinions. Ideas


illogical and contradictory.

Limited attempt

at critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and evaluation, tending towards description.

Some evidence to support emerging arguments and judgements but these may be


or with a little inconsistency / misinterpretation. Asserts rather than argues a case.

Some critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Can analyse new and/or abstract concepts and data without guidance. An emerging awareness of different stances and ability to use evidence (that may be incomplete) to support the argument. Mostly valid

arguments and

logical judgements. Some tendency to assert/state opinion rather than argue on

Sound critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and evaluation demonstrating critical thinking. Ability to devise and sustain persuasive arguments, and

to review the reliability, validity and significance of evidence (that may be incomplete) to make mostly appropriate and valid judgements. 

Excellent critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Ability to investigate contradictory or incomplete information and make strong, persuasive, arguments and sophisticated judgements. Some evidence of independent

thought and

ability to ‘see beyond the question’, suggesting a grasp of the broader field and wider concepts.

Exceptional critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and evaluation based on judiciously selected evidence.  Ability to investigate contradictory or incomplete information and make strong, persuasive, arguments and sophisticated, nuanced, judgements. Evidence of independent

thought and

ability to ‘see beyond the question’, suggesting an

Level 6


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)










the basis of reason and evidence.


outstanding grasp of the broader field and wider concepts.

Practical skills (Apply/deploy accurately established tools and techniques; initiate and carry out projects; formulate solutions to solve problems in complex and unpredictable contexts.)

Limited or no use of methods, materials, tools and/or techniques. Little or no appreciation of the context of the application. Limited understanding of the application of theory to

practice or making appropriate links between the two. Very weak problem-solving skills in complex and unpredictable contexts. 

Rudimentary application of methods, materials, tools and/or techniques but without consideration and competence. Flawed appreciation of the context of the application. Weak understanding of the application of theory to practice, with only occasional evidence of making appropriate links between the

An adequate awareness and mostly appropriate application of well-established methods, materials, tools and/or techniques. Basic appreciation of the context of the application. Theoretical knowledge and understanding applied in practice, but not

always making logical links

between the two.

Can identify problems and

A good and appropriate application of standard methods, materials, tools and/or techniques. Clear appreciation of the context of the application. Mainly consistent, accurate and logical application of theory to practice, making appropriate links between the two

Can identify problems and propose mostly

A very good application of a range of methods, materials, tools and/or techniques. Very good consideration of the context of the application, with perceptive insights. Can identify problems and propose appropriate

solutions in complex and unpredictable contexts. Evidence of some innovation and creativity. 

An advanced application of a range of methods, materials, tools and/or techniques. The context of the application is well considered, and insightful.

Application and deployment extend beyond established conventions.  Can identify complex problems and propose excellent solutions. Innovation and

Exceptional levels of application and deployment

skills in

unpredictable, practical contexts, drawing skilfully on the latest research within the discipline. Can identify complex problems and propose sophisticated solutions. Assimilation and development of cutting edge processes and techniques.

Level 6


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)










two. Weak problem-solving skills in complex and unpredictable contexts. 

propose basic solutions in complex and unpredictable

contexts without

fully appreciating the complexity. 

appropriate solutions in complex and unpredictable contexts.


creativity evident.


Transferable skills for life and professional practice (Exercise of initiative and personal responsibility; professional

development; initiate and complete tasks and procedures:

individually and/or collaboratively; use appropriate media to


effectively; fluency of expression;

Communication medium is inappropriate or misapplied. Work is poorly structured, disorganised and/or confusingly expressed. Very weak use of language and/or very inappropriate

style. Little or no evidence of autonomy (or collaboration, where relevant) in the completion of tasks. Little or

Communication medium is poorly designed and/or not suitable for the audience.  Work is poorly presented in a disjointed manner. It is loosely, and at times incoherently, structured, with information and ideas often poorly expressed. Weak use of language and/or inappropriate style. Weak

Can communicate in a suitable medium but

with some room

for improvement.  Mostly ordered presentation and structure in which relevant ideas / concepts are reasonably expressed. Work may lack coherence in places. Can work as part of a team, but with limited involvement in group activities. 

Can communicate

effectively in a suitable format, but may have minor errors. Mostly coherent, organised work, in a suitable structure and is for the most part clearly expressed. Can work effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with clear contribution to group activities. 

Can communicate

well, confidently and consistently in a suitable format. Work is coherent, fluent, well-structured and organised. Can work very well autonomously and/or as part of a team, with very good contribution to group activities. 

Demonstrates very good graduate employment

Can communicate professionally confidently and consistently in a suitable format. Work is coherent, very

fluent and is presented professionally. Can work autonomously with initiative. Where relevant can work professionally within a team,


leadership skills

as appropriate, managing

Can communicate with an exceptionally high level of professionalism.  Work is exceptionally coherent, very

fluent and is presented professionally. Can work exceptionally well and professionally within a team, showing advanced leadership skills.

Demonstrates exceptional

Level 6


Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)



Very Good (Merit)



Exceptional (Distinction)









clarity and effectiveness in presentation and organisation.)

no evidence of the skills required in graduate employment.


initiative (or collaboration, if relevant). Limited evidence of the skills required in graduate employment.

Demonstrates the basic skills required in graduate employment, with some areas of minor weakness.


the skills required in graduate employment, with some areas of strength and some of minor weakness.

skills, with just occasional minor weakness.

conflict and meeting obligations.

Demonstrates excellent graduate employment

skills and an appetite for further development.

graduate employment

skills and an appetite for further development.

Level 7

In accordance with the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, at the end of Level 7 students should be able to demonstrate: a systematic understanding of knowledge, and a critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of their academic discipline or area of professional practice; a comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to their own research or advanced scholarship; originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the discipline; conceptual understanding that enables the student to evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in  the discipline to evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where appropriate, to propose new hypotheses. They will be able to deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgements in the absence of complete data, and

communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences.  They will demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level to continue to advance their knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills to a high level. They will develop the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of initiative and personal responsibility; decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations/professional environments; and the independent learning ability required for continuing professional development.

Level 7



Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)

Good to Very





Exceptional (Distinction)










with literature (including current research, referencing, academic conventions and academic honesty) 

Little or no evidence of reading and/or reliance on inappropriate sources. Views and findings mostly unsupported and nonauthoritative. Referencing conventions used incoherently or largely absent.

Poor engagement

with essential reading. No evidence of wider reading. Reliance on inappropriate sources, and/or indiscriminate use of sources. Heavily reliant on information gained through class contact. Inconsistent and weak use of referencing.

Engagement with a very limited range of relevant and credible sources. Some omissions and minor errors.

Referencing conventions evident though not always applied accurately or consistently.

Engagement with an appropriate range of researchinformed

literature, including sources retrieved independently. Some overreliance on texts.

Referencing may show minor inaccuracies or inconsistencies.

Engagement with a wide range of researchinformed

literature, including sources retrieved independently. Selection of relevant and credible sources.  Very good use of referencing, with no/very few inaccuracies or inconsistencies.

Engagement with an extensive range of relevant and credible literature, informed by the latest research. Consistently accurate application of referencing. 

Exceptional engagement with an extensive range of relevant and credible

literature, informed by the latest research. High-level referencing skills consistently and professionally applied.

Knowledge and understanding (A systematic, conceptual understanding of knowledge,

and a critical awareness of current problems and/or

Major gaps in knowledge and understanding of the subject matter is not systematic. Substantial inaccuracies. No awareness of current

Gaps in knowledge, with only superficial systematic understanding. Some significant inaccuracies and/or irrelevant material.  No

Limited knowledge and systematic understanding of the concepts and principles within the subject area, which to some marginal extent,

Knowledge is accurate and reasonably detailed. A systematic

understanding of the field of study informed by, to some extent, current

Knowledge has a well-defined focus, which is reasonably extensive, coherent and detailed, with a critical

awareness of current

Excellent mastery of a complex and specialised area of knowledge. A systematic, excellent understanding of the concepts of the subject

Exceptional mastery of a complex and specialised area of knowledge. An exceptionally critical

awareness of current problems and/or

Level 7



Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)

Good to Very





Exceptional (Distinction)









new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of the discipline; a

comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to their own


problems, insights or the latest research and/or advanced scholarship within the discipline.


awareness of current problems, insights, or latest research within the discipline.

is informed by current research and scholarship. Some critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, but often underdeveloped.

research and

scholarship, A critical

awareness of current problems and/or new insights though this may be underdeveloped occasionally.  

problems and/or new insights.  Exhibits good understanding of the breadth and depth of contemporary and established views, and the work is, at least in part, wellinformed by current research and scholarship. 

informed by current research and scholarship. Highly critical awareness of current problems and/or

new insights. A critical,

awareness of how the boundaries of knowledge are advanced through research.

new insights. An outstanding understanding of the concepts of the subject, well-informed by current research and

scholarship. A critical,

sophisticated and nuanced awareness of how the boundaries of knowledge are advanced through research.

Cognitive and

intellectual skills  (Critical evaluation of current research and methodologies and develop critiques of

Wholly or almost wholly descriptive work. Little or no evaluation or critique or attempt at a systematic approach.

Largely descriptive work, with superficial use of

critical evaluation of research and methodologies. Absent or weak development of

Limited attempt

at critical evaluation/ critique of current research and methodologies, tending towards description.

Some critical evaluation/ critique of current research and methodologies,

though slightly underdeveloped

in places,


Sound critical evaluation/ critique of current research and methodologies, Proposes new hypotheses, where appropriate. Can

Excellent critical evaluation/ critique of current research and methodologies, Proposes innovative hypotheses, where

Exceptional critical evaluation/ critique of current research and methodologies, Proposes innovative hypotheses,

Level 7



Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)

Good to Very





Exceptional (Distinction)









them and, where appropriate, to propose new hypotheses; make sound judgements in the absence of complete data.) 

Failure to develop arguments, leading to illogical or invalid judgements. Unsubstantiated generalisations, made without use of credible evidence.

hypotheses and judgements. Information accepted uncritically, uses generalised statements made with scant evidence and unsubstantiated

opinions. Ideas sometimes

illogical and contradictory.

Limited attempt to propose new hypotheses. Can deal with complex issues but not systematically or creatively. Some evidence to support emerging judgements but these may be underdeveloped

or with a little inconsistency / misinterpretation. May assert rather than argue a case.

adequate but limited new hypotheses, where relevant. Can deal with complex issues but not fully systematically or creatively. Ability to make judgements based on data (that may be incomplete) but with some tendency to assert/state opinion rather than argue on the basis of reason and evidence.

deal with complex issues systematically and with some

creativity. Ability to make sound judgements based on data (that may be


appropriate. Can synthesise complex issues systematically and creatively. Ability to investigate contradictory or incomplete information and make strong, persuasive, arguments and sophisticated judgements. 

where appropriate. Exemplary systematic and creative synthesis of complex issues.   Ability to investigate contradictory or incomplete information and make strong, persuasive, arguments and sophisticated, nuanced, judgements. Potential for journal publication or doctoral research.

Practical skills (Originality / creativity in the application of knowledge, tools and

Limited or no use of methods, materials, tools and/or techniques.

Rudimentary application of methods, materials, tools and/or techniques but

An awareness and mostly appropriate application of well-established methods,

An appropriate application of standard methods, materials, tools

A very good application of a range of methods, materials, tools

An advanced application of knowledge, methods, materials, tools

Exceptional application skills in complex, unpredictable, contexts, drawing skilfully

Level 7



Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)

Good to Very





Exceptional (Distinction)









techniques and in tackling and solving problems in complex and unpredictable professional situations; practical use of established techniques of research and enquiry to create and interpret

knowledge in the discipline.)

Little or no appreciation of the context of the application. Limited understanding of the application of theory to practice or making appropriate links between the two. Very weak problem-solving skills in complex and unpredictable contexts. 

without consideration and competence. Flawed appreciation of the context of the application. Weak understanding of the application of theory to practice, with only occasional evidence of making appropriate links between the two. Weak problem-solving skills in complex and unpredictable contexts. 

materials, tools and/or techniques, with occasional errors. Basic appreciation of the context of the application. Theoretical knowledge and understanding applied in practice, but not

always making logical links

between the two.

Can identify problems and propose basic solutions without fully appreciating the complexity of unpredictable contexts. 

and/or techniques. Clear appreciation of the context of the application. Mainly consistent, accurate and logical application of theory to practice, making appropriate links between the two.

Can identify problems and propose mostly appropriate

solutions in complex and unpredictable contexts, with elements of originality.

and/or techniques. Very good consideration of the context of the application, with perceptive insights. Can identify problems and propose appropriate solutions in complex and unpredictable contexts. Evidence of originality and creativity. 

and/or techniques. The context of the application is well considered, and insightful. Can identify complex problems and propose excellent solutions. An excellent grasp of techniques applicable to own research or advanced scholarship. Shows originality in application of knowledge and techniques, and of how established techniques of enquiry create and interpret

on the latest research within the discipline. Can identify complex problems and propose sophisticated, original solutions. 

An outstanding application of techniques applicable to own research or advanced scholarship. Shows originality in application of knowledge and techniques, and of how established techniques of enquiry create and interpret knowledge in the discipline with assimilation

Level 7



Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)

Good to Very





Exceptional (Distinction)










knowledge in the discipline.

and development of cutting edge processes and techniques.

Transferable skills for life and professional practice

(Exercise of selfdirection,

autonomy and personal responsibility; plan and implement tasks at a professional


independent learning; use appropriate media to communicate

effectively and professionally to a variety of audiences; fluency of expression;

Communication medium is inappropriate or misapplied. Work is poorly structured, disorganised and/or confusingly expressed. Very weak use of language and/or very inappropriate

style. Little or no evidence of autonomy (or collaboration, where relevant) in the completion of tasks. Little or

no evidence of the skills

Communication medium is poorly designed and/or not suitable for the audience.  Work is poorly presented in a disjointed manner. It is loosely, and at times incoherently, structured, with information and ideas often poorly expressed. Weak use of language and/or inappropriate style. Weak independent

initiative (or

Can communicate in a suitable medium but

with some room

for improvement.  Mostly ordered presentation and structure in which relevant ideas / concepts are reasonably expressed. Work may lack coherence in places. Can work as part of a team, but with limited involvement in group activities. 

Demonstrates some but not all

Can communicate

effectively in a suitable format, but may have minor errors. Mostly coherent, organised work, in a suitable structure and is for the most part clearly expressed. Can work effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with clear contribution to group activities.  Demonstrates

the skills required in

Can communicate

well, confidently and consistently in a suitable format. Work is coherent, fluent, well-structured and organised. Can work very well autonomously and/or as part of a team, with a good contribution to group activities. 

Demonstrates comprehensive professional, postgraduate employment skills.

Can communicate professionally confidently and consistently in a suitable format. Work is coherent, very fluent and is presented professionally. Can work autonomously with initiative. Where relevant can work professionally within a team,


leadership skills

as appropriate, managing

conflict and meeting

Can communicate with an exceptionally high level of professionalism.  Work is remarkably coherent, very fluent and is presented professionally. Can work outstandingly well and professionally within a team, showing advanced leadership skills.

Demonstrates exemplary professional, postgraduate

Level 7



Marginal Fail

Satisfactory (Pass)

Good to Very





Exceptional (Distinction)









systematic approach; clarity and

effectiveness in presentation and organisation.)

required in professional, postgraduate employment.

collaboration, if relevant). Limited evidence of the skills required in professional, postgraduate employment.

of the basic skills required in professional, postgraduate employment, with some areas of minor weakness.

professional, postgraduate employment, with some areas of strength and some of minor weakness.



Demonstrates excellent professional, postgraduate employment

skills and a strong appetite for further development.


skills and a strong appetite for further development.


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